Monday, July 16, 2012

A Circle of Iron

Free - 180 pages

In all the lands of the Old Empire, no one knows more about killing wights than Caleb Thorn. The bounty-hunter has taken blood-drinkers in the timber camps, where loggers and alchemists harvest magic from the ancient trees. He’s hunted them in the villages that lie in the shadow of the Greenwell, and pursued them in the deep wood. Only Eldernost is off-limits, the fallen city where wights haunt the dark places like ghosts in the ruins.

But Eldernost is rich in magic, and the local lord’s wealth and power depend on his ability to protect the scavengers who plunder the city’s treasures in his service. Given a choice between the hangman's noose and the ruins, Thorn is forced to venture into the city to confront the notorious wight raider known as Redmourn. Amidst the crumbling remnants of a lost age, Thorn must face the demons of his own troubled past if he is to find the strength to protect those he cares about most.

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