Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Lost Tales of Power

Free - 556 pages

Vydor was on a fast track to the highest-ranking position in the Imperial Navy’s security forces and was recently assigned to the senior staff of the flagship of the Navy, the Dragon Claw. All he wanted to do his entire life was to serve his god, the Emperor, and given his phenomenal performance during his training in the Naval Academy, it seemed he would be able to do just that. Everything seemed to be going his way, until the Dragon Claw and its massive command fleet was sent on a rather unusual assignment to investigate a minor incident deep with in the Empire’s space. That one event would start Vydor down a path filled with fantastically powerful enemies and extraordinary friends that would obliterate everything he ever understood to be true and threaten the very foundations of the Empire itself.

This is Volume I of the Lost Tales of Power.

Update 4/3/2012 - This is a new fully edited release. You will know if you have the new version if it lists Elaine Kennedy as an editor.

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